The Northern Dorset Breeders Club
A group of Dorset breeders throughout the North of England and Scotland got together in the summer of 2011 and formed the Northern Dorset Breeders Club.
Aims and aspirations of the club
- Promote the Dorset breed throughout the North of England and Scotland
- Support and encourage fellow breeders through sharing knowledge and skills
- Help breeders new to sheep keeping or the breed to establish and manage their flocks
- Gain more Dorset classes at agricultural shows and support them
- Encourage members to enter Any other Breed Classes at shows which do not hold classes specific to our breed
- Hold an annual club sale (2019 Gisburn Auction, Saturday 10th August) which is open to all dorset breeders to sell and to buy stock
- Hold social events such as a club dinner, farm walks, demonstrations etc.
- Encourage the inclusion of All Dorset Breeders resident in our Area
- Promote Poll Dorset & Dorset Horn Sheep at as many events and places as possible within and throughout our region