Become a Member
Do you own Dorset Sheep, aspire to own some or just admire them from afar?
Why not join our club- become involved in our social calendar which over the past year has included a judging day, farm walk, training on show preparation. Culminating in our AGM and evening get together see our events page for further details.
Application form for membership of Northern Dorset Breeders Club
By applying to become a member of the Northern Dorset Breeders Club and if accepted I agree to abide by the rules of the club.
Membership fees
Adult: £20 per annum
Junior: £10 per annum (16 and under – please state date of birth)
Family Membership: £30 (2 adults plus 1 junior )
Renewal of membership fees falls due on 1st January each year
Please include payment with your application.
A receipted invoice will be sent to you by return.
Please make your cheques payable to Northern Dorset Breeders Club and return with your application to K Hodgson, Pennygown Farm, Southend, Campeltown, Argyl, Scotland, PA28 6PH.