David Hullah - Fourways Flock - Obituary
It is with much sadness that we announce the passing of David, a stalwart Poll Dorset supporter who lost his long fight with cancer on 14.
A short service took place at Stonefall Crematorium. Brenda, Claire and his extended family were joined by many friends and acquaintances and there was standing room only, a testament to his widespread popularity.
This was followed by a gathering at Darley Memorial Hall where a capacity audience was shown many slides of David throughout his life-always with a smile! This was accompanied by his favourite music. Various friends took the microphone to share their memories of David with his ready smile and willingness to help. He introduced a number of people to Dorsets and they still keep them. Along with David Eglin and Edwin Pocock he was instrumental in getting the Dorset classes running again at the Great Yorkshire Show where they are going from strength to strength. David also persuaded Ripley, Nidderdale and this year Otley shows to have breed classes for Dorsets. David and Brenda donated a Trophy for the Champion Dorset which I was privileged to win. David himself had First place with his gimmer lamb.
Claire, David’s daughter is to carry on with the Fourways flock which he started 30 years ago and we wish her luck with that and the club will help her where we can.
David will be sadly missed by all who knew him, especially for the large hat he wore for the Great Yorkshire Show!
R.I.P. David.
Alec Steff,
Northern Dorset Breeders Club