Northern Dorset Breeders Club

The only sheep breed that can and will, lamb naturally out of season

Flock Competiton Results 2016


NDBC Flock Competition Results.

Judges – Johnie and Helen Driver.

Champion – Bamburgh Flock, Miss Christina Johnson.

Reserve Champion – Bennachie Flock, Mr James Royan.

Large Flock
1. Karen Hodgson
2. Thornbank Farm
3. Michael and Carol Crawshaw

Large Flock Ewe Lambs
1. Michael and Carol Crawshaw
2. Thornbank Farm
3. Karen Hodgson

Small Flock
1. Christina Johnson
2. James Royan
3. Alex Birch

Small Flock Ewe Lambs
1. Christina Johnson
2. James Royan
3. Sheila Gray

Stock Ram
1. James Royan
2. Odgers & Braithwaite
3. Alec Steff

Individual Homebred Female
1. Alec Steff – Ewe lamb
2. Sheila Gray – Shearling Ewe
3. Odgers & Braithwaite – Shearling Ewe

Best Shepherded Flock
Sheila Gray – Burley.

Congratulations to all.